Lambaste the pests of this world!
Run through the mud the scum of the earth!
Humiliate the would-be somebodies who mock their fellow human beings for daring to be braver than they are!
Three good causes championed by THIS VERY BLOG!
Enjoy - especially if you're one of the pests EXPOSED HERE! Believe me - you DON'T want to tick me off and wind up exposed here!
HA! As if George Lucas deserves to see his brainchild hailed, praised and lauded any more than it merits such treatment, now...Greg Davies and a bunch of avowed comic-bookie geeks might think so - but I beg to differ!
Actually, I cringe to differ! I gnarl to differ! And I am not even close to being a sympathizer of the sick and demented "Sith lords" either...! They're aptly-named though; I'll give them THAT much...
In actuality, I do admire only and exclusively the character of one Obi-Wan Kenobi - the way he was developed, what he represents, what he was throughout the epic. He is a true shining example of a genuine do-gooder! But he was that from the very beginning to me! Back in 1977's original film, I immediately saw that
there was the consummate Jedi Knight - the best of the best! It is Obi-Wan - "old Ben Kenobi", yes! It is not Luke, not Samuel L. "Shaft" Jackson and much less Anakin (whose name I will never swallow - that cheap Biblical rip-off! He's no giant - the Biblical Anakim were, but Anakin Skywalker is nothing more than a teen-angst wet-behind-the-ears puke without much of a cause...! What he does have is that distinct (as dubious) advantage to wield a devastating and potentially lethal light-saber, but still - take that away from him and he's
nothing! We all saw how both Dracula Christopher Lee (Count Dooku? Who? What? He's Count DRACULA!) and Obi-Wan himself took turns and THRASHED Anakin GOOD...! But I digress...)
So, to be short, I vote NO to a "DAY OF THE JEDI"
(Bring back the
(After all, it is the
YEAR OF THE DOLPHIN - even the Backstreet Boys know THAT! How can Greg Davies and George not know...?!?)
But I would recommend more kids take altruistic Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi up as their ROLE-MODEL - now THAT is for sure! ;)
And may the Force be with you when you try and do as well as Obi-Wan will always do, in the four films that he is "physically there"...
And, especially, the two films that he's "ethereally there"...!

Labels: Ben Kenobi, Obi-Wan