the lambasting blog
Lambaste the pests of this world!
Run through the mud the scum of the earth!
Humiliate the would-be somebodies who mock their fellow human beings for daring to be braver than they are!
Three good causes championed by THIS VERY BLOG!
Enjoy - especially if you're one of the pests EXPOSED HERE! Believe me - you DON'T want to tick me off and wind up exposed here!
Saturday, January 28, 2006
The Four Pathetic Pesky Pests of the Cyber-Puffcalypse!
Four COWARDS who will not dispense too much information about themselves online (unlike goofy Brandon there) so that no one can inflict upon them the fully deserved retaliatory cyber mischievous actions as payback for what they routinely and so joyously do in the same vein... the bastards.
However, the four fools have left ONE way to lash back at them - their e-mails!
I encourage all who read this to send hate mail to: (sooooooo well named too - the most honest of this sorry bunch! But do not be deceived into going easy on him because of this now: for he is as rotten as the worst of them here! Guys like these -as with Brandon- would make ideal cannon fodder - so, what are you waiting for, Dubya? Send them to Iraq! Lesser evolved cromagnon here thinks he's funny when he says that "according to the history channel, I'm the Antichrist. Neat!" - right! It is neat if you want to be on the ultimate losing side - peabrain! Be my guest! Just a "lucky" guess of mine but - I think you will get your wish... and wind up on the ultimate losers list indeed! Spit in Satanas' face for me, peabrain - you can at least get THAT right; RIGHT?) (an insect he is indeed, in the Grand Scheme of Things... fear not, the 13 here is not a harbinger of bad luck - except for him that is! He is talentless - yet he dares to be a critic of talent! It is always the talentless who act that way... This guy is the basest of the talentless though - and the crudest of them all too! The most pathetic thing about him is that he thinks he is funny when he goes "WHEEE! HA HA HA! BOOGERS! HA HA! OH BOY!" - HOW PATHETIC IS THAT? He thinks squids are cool, having rabies is cooler still (!) and he is wildly appreciated for his, ah, "efforts"... in a condescending way only though! His idea of a hot character find is to have "tard" (short for retard - of course) in the name somewhere... Hey - one has to write what one knows... or in his case, what one is!) (nothing worse than a samurai who can't spell - my guess is this was a typo he was too lazy to correct! Complacency shall be his undoing - the fat bastard! This chump is no John Belushi - let me tell you that much! Brainy humor finds no mercy before his brawn - or so he wants people to believe! He is really a defenseless punk who couldn't hold his lunch money in school if the fate of the universe depended on it... but, online, he is "smamurai"! Yeah... right! Yes smam! Smam Bam Wham - no thanks to your mam! Let's just move on to the next loser and be done with this already...) (the only thing in its "prime" about this first class jerk is his faceless bravado! Oh - and he is cocky enough to mention sometimes that he is 25 right now - which is not exactly "the prime" of a man (that would be 30-35... and I'd say higher too! 25 is the new pimpled-face 15 - don't you know that, you stupid s-o-p?) for his adolescent behaviour downgrades him all the way back to acne-filled angst indeed! He holds nothing sacred... his humor is putrid... and the mere fact that he is a Transformers maniac who cannot tell the difference between an essay and a commentary (not to mention an actual automobile or a damn mimicking make-believe robot!) is quite simply too pitifully pathetic! He got his girlfriend pregnant, so he had to marry the preggie - who gave birth to a little piggy - whoopee-do. Jerks always multiply themselves fast. He has a job he loves - extorting money legally from poor unsuspecting folks he sugar-coats. He will only show his true self in the anonymity of the net! And that is one ugly sight - the guy's soul is simply charcoal, I tell ya! If only his customers, his bitch and his little puke ever see him for what he TRULY IS... One day, perhaps?)
'Nuff said... enough typing wasted on this guy! On ALL of these buffoons!
They can go straight to hell, all four of them - have your Armageddoh right now and be done with it, punks!
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