Lambaste the pests of this world!
Run through the mud the scum of the earth!
Humiliate the would-be somebodies who mock their fellow human beings for daring to be braver than they are!
Three good causes championed by THIS VERY BLOG!
Enjoy - especially if you're one of the pests EXPOSED HERE! Believe me - you DON'T want to tick me off and wind up exposed here!

La famille demande une enquête publique (28/03/08)
Lutter pour sa vie (26/03/08)Unbelievable - desperate to cover their derrières, hospital centers stress that it is not THERE that this latest victim (a sixteen year-old that just gave BIRTH - but I'm not lambasting that right now...) contracted the dreaded flesh-eating bacteria...
If it wasn't there, where was it?
She only caught the bad genes of some pubescent loverboy "out there" - and had to give birth nine months, not to burst...
She might have caught any number of STD's with that guy - or a bunch of others!
She could have even caught a pneumonia - scantily-clad as she most probably likes to be, most of the time, even in winter...
But she couldn't possibly have caught that bacteria anywhere else other than AT THE HOSPITAL - where all bacteria congregate! And are not duly expungiated.
It is PATHETIC to dare try and pull the wool over the eyes of the populace - not to create a huge "sense of panic" - not to discredit the very-obviously flawed healthcare system!
It is worse than pathetic - it is dishonest and borderline CRIMINAL even!
Creating a sense of security where one can easily catch something that will RUIN one's life forevermore - if not end it outright - cannot be labeled as anything less.
What is required is full-scale sanitization of these hellish places that deal death more often than they actually heal anybody...!!!
And, since I seem to have to repeat myself yet again on this, what is also needed is for GOD-DAMNED HAUGHTY DOCTORS TO START LISTENING TO THEIR PATIENTS - AND TO STOP THINKING THAT THEY KNOW BETTER THAN THEIR VERY PATIENTS AS IT PERTAINS TO WHAT THEY ARE FEELING AS SYMPTOMS. How many times will patients complain they are not well, be released anyway, because the doctor said so and allegedly knows better, and then be brought back within 24-48 hours, worse off than they should have been and, sometimes, even at the brink of death - ALL OF IT BECAUSE THE DAMN DOCTOR DIDN'T LISTEN TO HIS PATIENT! HOW MANY TIMES WILL THIS SICKENING SCENARIO HAVE TO PLAY OUT BEFORE THE QUACKS CHANGE THEIR ATTITUDE - HUH? Maybe we have to convince them quacks to be humble, with so many MALPRACTICE SUITS that they won't even DARE act haughtily EVER AGAIN! Hear ye, QUACKS: you are NOT know-it-alls. GOT THAT?
When you don't mess up in any way, I tend to attribute it to either DIVINE INTERVENTION... Or just plain dumb luck on the doctor's part!
Because it sure isn't "meticulous applying themselves to the task at hand and caring for the patient, on an individual basis" - 99% of the time!
Truly exceptionally surprising and PURE DUMB LUCK too that there hasn't been more contagion, spread of diseases of all sorts and even a bacteriological terrorist attack on the population SO FAR - for ALL of North America is clueless and defenseless in that area (as many others, mind you...)
Amazing coincidence, also, as a sidenote: the flesh-eating bacteria affected, among many local notables, the distinguished grandmother of Jonathan Roy and mother to Patrick Roy, Barbara Millaire-Roy...
They are in the news right now, for their violent antics on ice (the most abysmal ice capades there are) - and, somehow, the oafish duo, father and son, has escaped any pesky and debilitating bacteria... Despite the fact that they are such pests themselves...!
There really is no justice in this world!
And the damn health care system really is a monster - indeed!
Labels: Metric, monster hospital, music
UPDATE: YouTube has pulled the video, but you can still see it
Recently, a video clip surfaced of a US soldier and his buddy throwing an innocent puppy off a cliff in what looks like Iraq. You're there to defend America and bring freedom, not needlessly kill animals!
Tell the US Military to take action against US soldiers abusing animals in Iraq. This is not an isolated incident. Actions like these hurt America's moral standing in the world and only distract from bringing our brave men and women home from the war.
Throw the book at these guys! Sign the petition and note the story on C2NN now!
Click here to note the C2NN story.
UPDATE: YouTube has pulled the video, but you can still see it
Recently, a video clip surfaced of a US soldier and his buddy throwing an innocent puppy off a cliff in what looks like Iraq. You're there to defend America and bring freedom, not needlessly kill animals!
Tell the US Military to take action against US soldiers abusing animals in Iraq. This is not an isolated incident. Actions like these hurt America's moral standing in the world and only distract from bringing our brave men and women home from the war.
Throw the book at these guys! Sign the petition and note the story on C2NN now!
Click here to note the C2NN story.
We the undersigned are appalled by the actions of US soldiers that recently surfaced in a video depicting a US soldier throwing a live puppy over a cliff. Actions like these hurt America's moral standing in the world and only distract from bringing our brave men and women home from the war.
We urge you to take the full extent of judicial action against these soldiers. Our enemies will say what they will against us, but when it's our own boys' actions doing the talking, it's much more powerful and deplorable.
Thank you for reading this letter. We hope you take the proper action necessary to restore our nation's moral standing in the world.
We signed the "Stand Against Puppy-Killing Soldiers" petition!
# 6,119:
Mar 5, 2008, Luciano Pimentel , Canada
What's up, G.I. Cromagnon - you can't handle the truth that you're a LOSER fighting a LOSER'S LOST IN ADVANCE WAR and you have to take out the anguish on a poor defenseless puppy? If only the "enemy" was worthy - I'd hope that they'd capture this moron and his buddy, tie their arms behind their backs and let a couple of vicious Rottweilers have their way with their faces! And may they live scarred for life - for a while at least. A slow painful death, bleeding profusely from where they used to have noses, should equate what the puppy went through...# 6,118:
Mar 5, 2008, Amy Jenkins , Texas
I cannot believe how embarrassing it is for our nation to not only be caught degrading other human beings but causing horrible and senseless pain to an innocent creature. Your job is to help control the peace over there. Your job is not to abuse other living creatures. I am disgusted and outraged as an American Citizen that the US Military has not done anything against this man. Usually when someone brutualizes an animal it is a stepping stone to killing for the fun of killing other human beings.
# 6,117:
Mar 5, 2008, Anonymous , California
If this person is taking out his frustrations it's not right, it's murder!!! Shame on him, he needs treatment, next he'll go for humans!
# 6,116:
Mar 5, 2008, Brandy Ulrich , California
I still can not believe that there is a person out there that could be that cruel. I am so disappointed in our armed forces, particularly the marine corp. Shame on you... One for all ... right? Shame
# 6,115:
Mar 5, 2008, Denise T. Spors , North Carolina
As a veteran I cannot even imagine a soldier of the US Military committing such a haneous act. What are they thinking?? I was not appalled by the pictures of US Service Members embarrassing the enemy for the world to see, I don't even feel that they should have been punished for it. The dignity of an enemy who's mission is to kill us, their own, and innocent civilians is not even an issue to me. They behead our civilians and military personnel, so don't expect me to care when some PFC has a little fun at the enemies embarrassment. I DO CARE that representatives of our country can even fathom hurting/killing innocent animals for no purpose other than for amusement...NOW is the time for some serious UCMJ and Court Martial Action. These service members need to spend a good portion of their lives in Levenworth making little rocks out of big rocks. This behavior cannot be tolerated...please take severe action against these individuals who have no compassion, morals, or brains.
# 6,114:
Mar 5, 2008, Kim Reinagle , Texas
# 6,113:
Mar 5, 2008, Sandra Castro , Texas
This is absolutely horrible! my boyfriend is a Marine and im so embarassed now to be associated with the Marine Corps. Those affiliated with the incident should be discharged, as any other indivial should if they abuse animals! This is the second issue of embarassment for the Marine Corps. First, the murder of a fellow Marine and her unborn baby and now this. Whats next?
# 6,112:
Mar 5, 2008, Carol Golden , California
If they're cruel to puppies, what might they do to Iraqi or Afghani children??? Give them dishonorable discharges before our country loses more respect.
# 6,111:
Mar 5, 2008, Matthew GIovonizzi , New Hampshire
This is not acceptable. We're already unpopular in Iraq, Asia and Europe as it is...nothing pisses people off more than abusing dogs or kids. STOP!
# 6,110:
Mar 5, 2008, Johnny GILBERT , New Jersey
# 6,109:
Mar 5, 2008, Anonymous , Louisiana
# 6,108:
Mar 5, 2008, Gerri Madison , Washington
The actions of these soldiers is completely unacceptable. I expect them to be punished to the full extent of the law! Men and women in the military are people we should look up to and admire. We shouldn't be ashamed of them and their actions.
# 6,107:
Mar 5, 2008, SUSAN LAMBERTY , California
# 6,106:
Mar 5, 2008, Lindsey Tem , Pennsylvania
I have ALOT of family and friends in the military who have been and still are overseas. They are shot at everyday and not ONE of them has ever injured a poor defenceless puppy or anything else for that matter as a way to cope. I think he needs to stand up and be a man and take resposibitlites for what he have done. I don't believe he is sorry and the only thing I HATE more than an animal abuser is a COWARD and that is def what he is! He is a disgrace to this country, and to the Brave men and Women fighting for our country. (who cope with things MUCH differently). He does not deserve to be called a soldier. He is a poor excuse for a man.
# 6,105:
Mar 5, 2008, Nicolle Bradley , Canada
This is disgusting and should NOT be tolerated.
# 6,104:
Mar 5, 2008, LEE GUSTKE , Colorado
# 6,103:
Mar 5, 2008, Rc Matheson , California
# 6,102:
Mar 5, 2008, Patricia Cluchey , Illinois
This solder is an embarassment to us, he should be charged and dishonorably discharged from the service, spend the rest of his life cleaning kennels with a tooth brush.
# 6,101:
Mar 5, 2008, Cheryl Swift , Massachusetts
If this is tolerated, the world is going to hell. The same should be done to his Marine as was done to this defenseless puppy! I could not watch the video. The man has no heart and less brains!
# 6,100:
Mar 5, 2008, Sandra Fioravante , New York
Now he is in the arms of the Angels - this sweet puppy. I know the 2 soldiers will not end up with him - to hell with them!
# 6,099:
Mar 5, 2008, Julia Page , Alabama
# 6,098:
Mar 5, 2008, Renee Griffin , Washington
# 6,097:
Mar 5, 2008, Susanne Follett , Texas
These men should receive dishonarable discharges at the least. My husband was a Marine and I used to be proud of the Marine Corps. Not any more.
# 6,096:
Mar 5, 2008, Anonymous , California
# 6,095:
Mar 5, 2008, Regina Russell , California
I hope they get killed over there!
# 6,094:
Mar 5, 2008, Amy Graves , California
One of the most sick, f@#*ing twisted things I have had to see in my life. What is up with these guys?!? All the more reason to get them out of there! War really messes with a person's sense of right and wrong boundaries!
# 6,093:
Mar 5, 2008, Marley Diehl , Texas
I cannot watch the video...I will have too many nightmares. I am totally sickened by the idea of this. If this animal (NOT SOLDIER) is not prosecuted to the full extent of the law and removed from the Marines immediately I will personally contact every pet welfare, news agency, and newspaper in this country and make sure the military is even more embarrased than it should be. The lowering standards for the military acceptance is blatantly apparent in this revolting video. STAND UP FOR ALL LIVING CREATURES US MILITARY!
# 6,092:
Mar 5, 2008, Anonymous , California
He Should be prosecuted!!!
# 6,091:
Mar 5, 2008, Nona VanDamme , California
I respect our troops and fighting for us, but when this happens to an innocent animal, these troops need mental help. Sick, and I hope they are dishonorably discharged and go home without pay. This is not to be tolerated, AT ALL. Its another thing that our government tells them to shoot animals and not get attached. Personally, I am sick and tired of our government and how animls are treated. These service men should not be allowed to continue in the service, who knows what they do to the enemy women and children. Stop spending my tax dollars on idiots like this. send them home and make them pay their way to get there.
# 6,090:
Mar 5, 2008, Maryanne Ilnickij , New York
This is a disgrace.
# 6,089:
Mar 5, 2008, NL Brown , Florida
I could not bear to watch the video. I've read enough. If this is true and real, these soldiers are disgusting excuses for human beings. It's not just about the puppy. If these pigs would do this to an innocent animal, they would show no restraint with innocent civilians.
# 6,088:
Mar 5, 2008, Rachel Susswein , New Jersey
# 6,087:
Mar 5, 2008, Ute B Brown , Alabama
This Marine should get a taste of his own medicine. Toss the bastard
# 6,086:
Mar 5, 2008, Jennifer Bjerke , Minnesota
# 6,085:
Mar 5, 2008, Suzy Seamon , California
I can't believe this has happened. Much less so proud of it that it was put on UTube. How barbaric!!! I hope these guys get the book thrown at them.
# 6,084:
Mar 5, 2008, Anonymous , Florida
Such a shame our soldiers feel the need to kill innocent animals as for something to do. It really doesn't project our Brave Fighting Men for this type of action. Everything reflects on the US and I hope these boys parents are letting them know now "How proud they are" of murder. What did it gain these kids. Apparently they need a little more letrine and kp duties as they have to much time on their hands. "America wake up if this is what we are raising"
# 6,083:
Mar 5, 2008, Katina Zinner , California
This is beyond outrageous. They should be jailed for this behavior.
# 6,082:
Mar 5, 2008, Suzette Chapman , Texas
You must put a stop to this. It is intolerable, disgusting, criminal--and not the image Americans want, let alone can afford. ACT NOW. THE WORLD IS WATCHING.
# 6,081:
Mar 5, 2008, Arlene Hall , California
# 6,080:
Mar 5, 2008, Beverly Trottier , Georgia
I cannot BELIEVE this is someone representing my country! I cannot watch the video - it is too painful. I hope this Marine spends the rest of his life thinking about what he has done. Imagine what he might do to other innocent beings along his path - children? people?
# 6,079:
Mar 5, 2008, Sherri Willette , California
Our local news had a short clip of this video. I was outraged! It makes me sick to my stomach. These soldiers should be dishonorably discharged!
# 6,078:
Mar 5, 2008, Lori Rundle , Washington
# 6,077:
Mar 5, 2008, Anonymous , Australia
This action to the dog is sick and the group of US troops are in need of medical help and a disgrace to the bulk of troops serving
# 6,076:
Mar 5, 2008, Janelle Beumer , Illinois
I think that DAVID MOTARI and any other a**hole who treats animals with cruelty should themselves be punished the way they treat animals! Thank You
# 6,075:
Mar 5, 2008, Marcia Wilson , Kentucky
these guys better be punished
# 6,074:
Mar 5, 2008, Anonymous , Ohio
# 6,073:
Mar 5, 2008, Tammie Crawford , Kentucky
# 6,072:
Mar 5, 2008, Lois Friel , Pennsylvania
I can't believe what I saw - this cruelty to innocent animals needs to be stopped immediately!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# 6,071:
Mar 5, 2008, Lurdes Cabral , Canada
# 6,070:
Mar 5, 2008, Kristin Marie , New York
i dont even know what to say..that will be three less soldiers in my prayers.
# 6,069:
Mar 5, 2008, Kim Byford , Washington
Those sick bastards should be thrown off a cliff themselves. Barring that, they should be court martialed.
# 6,068:
Mar 5, 2008, Samantha Reid , Pennsylvania
It is an abomination that our own soldiers, those that stand for loyalty, dignity and honor, can dishonor themselves and their country by their actions. There must be action taken on this soldier NOW.
# 6,067:
Mar 5, 2008, Swan Hsieh , California
It is really ashamed that our Marine did such aninhumane thing. It shows a very poor character. I can see such a person would hurt other human being needlessly. And it is not just one marine. The one who is watching is either has the same problem or just a pure coward, who does not stand up for the right thing.
# 6,066:
Mar 5, 2008, Donna Burleigh , Washington
this was absolutely appalling. brutal, vicious and so unnecessary. It makes me ashamed of the actions of a few of our soldiers, and I am a military wife. What kind of message about Americans are we sending to the world if we look the other way, and do not punish these soldiers?
# 6,065:
Mar 5, 2008, Patricia Thomas , Louisiana
Mr Robert. I am writing in regards to the soldier Mortari, David. I am so proud of our soldiers and hug and thank each and everyone of them when I run into one here in Baton Rouge, La. But After watching this David Mortari hurt a innocent puppy-I am sick at his cruel behavior. I love animals but David lowered himself to dirt. May God forgive him
# 6,064:
Mar 5, 2008, SANDRA Segovia , Mexico
# 6,063:
Mar 5, 2008, Jonathan Rosario , Florida
Disgusting! Military should kick him out and send him to jail for life!
# 6,062:
Mar 5, 2008, Anonymous , New York
# 6,061:
Mar 5, 2008, TYRA BAILEY , South Carolina
Just reading this story made me sick at my stomach. I cannot dare to read it! Not only is this inhumane but it also makes Marines and American's look bad. Think of what you are doing Marine -- he should be discharged!
# 6,060:
Mar 5, 2008, Bambi Morissette , California
This is the beginning of a career of murder. First it begins with pets, then moves on to humans; this is a proven fact. Stop this killer before he harms more pets and potentially humans!
# 6,059:
Mar 5, 2008, Alyson Funamori , Washington
I just can't believe this video! This is one of the most disturbing things I have ever seen! These men need to be punished and dishonorably discharged! They are a disgrace, and an embarrassment to this country! They make American soldiers look like monsters! This kind of heartless cruelty makes me sick! There is no excuse for this! I hope the American Army will do what is right, and let the world know that we do not approve of this kind of behavior!
# 6,058:
Mar 5, 2008, A D , New Jersey
I hope this poor excuse for a man has a horrible life because of the abuse that he has given to innocent animals. He is a waste of life. His family must be so proud the have raised scum.
# 6,057:
Mar 5, 2008, Nancy Zee , California
This is absolutely outrageous! The cruel, puppy killer Marine should not be wearing a uniform representing the US. I hope the puppy didn't suffer. Did the Marine not have anything better to do besides kill a puppy? It would bring me great satisfaction to do the same to him.
# 6,055:
Mar 5, 2008, Dusty Arthur , Indiana
What has the world came to these days? Ya know the soldiers are suppost to be defending or country and not throwing puppies off cliffs. I am just so disapointed over the video knowing the soldiers have nothing better to do. Come on people they are suppost to be defending our country. If they have nothing better to do then why in the hell are they over there for. Someone needs to get there heads out of there butts and punish the stupid idiot who did it and kick there butt out of the military!!!! Just put it this way there lucky i didn't see them do it in person. I can't stand people who hurt animals... I just hate people like that they make me sick!!!
# 6,054:
Mar 5, 2008, Heather Miller , Canada
No words can describe this act of animal terorrism!
# 6,053:
Mar 5, 2008, Genevy Lima , Florida
That man and his buddy need to be sent to jail for life or be thrown of a cliff him self and leave him there to suffer. NO MERCY FOR THIS MAN! God forgives many things but not this, killing an innocent animal!
# 6,052:
Mar 5, 2008, Christina Iler , Georgia
I am speechless.
# 6,051:
Mar 5, 2008, Anastasia Kizilski , Connecticut
Even if this was intended as a prank, and not real, it is the most disgusting, cruel, and disgraceful thing I have ever seen, particularly since this was done by men supposedly entrusted with our safety as Americans, and the safety of innocent civilians of the countries we are "active" in. Puppies are about as innocent as it gets. For any human being, let alone one in their positions to do something like this is beyond comprehension. * View more Signatures and sign yourself