Lambaste the pests of this world!
Run through the mud the scum of the earth!
Humiliate the would-be somebodies who mock their fellow human beings for daring to be braver than they are!
Three good causes championed by THIS VERY BLOG!
Enjoy - especially if you're one of the pests EXPOSED HERE! Believe me - you DON'T want to tick me off and wind up exposed here!

La famille demande une enquête publique (28/03/08)
Lutter pour sa vie (26/03/08)Unbelievable - desperate to cover their derrières, hospital centers stress that it is not THERE that this latest victim (a sixteen year-old that just gave BIRTH - but I'm not lambasting that right now...) contracted the dreaded flesh-eating bacteria...
If it wasn't there, where was it?
She only caught the bad genes of some pubescent loverboy "out there" - and had to give birth nine months, not to burst...
She might have caught any number of STD's with that guy - or a bunch of others!
She could have even caught a pneumonia - scantily-clad as she most probably likes to be, most of the time, even in winter...
But she couldn't possibly have caught that bacteria anywhere else other than AT THE HOSPITAL - where all bacteria congregate! And are not duly expungiated.
It is PATHETIC to dare try and pull the wool over the eyes of the populace - not to create a huge "sense of panic" - not to discredit the very-obviously flawed healthcare system!
It is worse than pathetic - it is dishonest and borderline CRIMINAL even!
Creating a sense of security where one can easily catch something that will RUIN one's life forevermore - if not end it outright - cannot be labeled as anything less.
What is required is full-scale sanitization of these hellish places that deal death more often than they actually heal anybody...!!!
And, since I seem to have to repeat myself yet again on this, what is also needed is for GOD-DAMNED HAUGHTY DOCTORS TO START LISTENING TO THEIR PATIENTS - AND TO STOP THINKING THAT THEY KNOW BETTER THAN THEIR VERY PATIENTS AS IT PERTAINS TO WHAT THEY ARE FEELING AS SYMPTOMS. How many times will patients complain they are not well, be released anyway, because the doctor said so and allegedly knows better, and then be brought back within 24-48 hours, worse off than they should have been and, sometimes, even at the brink of death - ALL OF IT BECAUSE THE DAMN DOCTOR DIDN'T LISTEN TO HIS PATIENT! HOW MANY TIMES WILL THIS SICKENING SCENARIO HAVE TO PLAY OUT BEFORE THE QUACKS CHANGE THEIR ATTITUDE - HUH? Maybe we have to convince them quacks to be humble, with so many MALPRACTICE SUITS that they won't even DARE act haughtily EVER AGAIN! Hear ye, QUACKS: you are NOT know-it-alls. GOT THAT?
When you don't mess up in any way, I tend to attribute it to either DIVINE INTERVENTION... Or just plain dumb luck on the doctor's part!
Because it sure isn't "meticulous applying themselves to the task at hand and caring for the patient, on an individual basis" - 99% of the time!
Truly exceptionally surprising and PURE DUMB LUCK too that there hasn't been more contagion, spread of diseases of all sorts and even a bacteriological terrorist attack on the population SO FAR - for ALL of North America is clueless and defenseless in that area (as many others, mind you...)
Amazing coincidence, also, as a sidenote: the flesh-eating bacteria affected, among many local notables, the distinguished grandmother of Jonathan Roy and mother to Patrick Roy, Barbara Millaire-Roy...
They are in the news right now, for their violent antics on ice (the most abysmal ice capades there are) - and, somehow, the oafish duo, father and son, has escaped any pesky and debilitating bacteria... Despite the fact that they are such pests themselves...!
There really is no justice in this world!
And the damn health care system really is a monster - indeed!
Labels: Metric, monster hospital, music