Lambaste the pests of this world!
Run through the mud the scum of the earth!
Humiliate the would-be somebodies who mock their fellow human beings for daring to be braver than they are!
Three good causes championed by THIS VERY BLOG!
Enjoy - especially if you're one of the pests EXPOSED HERE! Believe me - you DON'T want to tick me off and wind up exposed here!
Good old Booker T used to say, in the late, lamented WCW, something like this: "DON'T HATE THE PLAYER - HATE THE GAME!"
Good old Jack uttered one of his most famous lines ever when he delivered this one: "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!"
And The Good Lord Says... "Forgive them for they know not what they do."
Now, what prompts this disparate quoting mini-frenzy here, you ask?
The fact that vulgar, extremely narrow-minded, downright ignorant and crude infinitesimal intellects (that obviously take after their forebears) do not accept the simple truths that I present here.
These are, of course, truths that they know, in their heart of hearts, to be just that - for I, unlike their lineage and, most specifically, their ancestors, never lie!
But the truth is always so poorly received - when, in fact, they should be thanking me, they express disapproval, revolt, displeasure - sometimes quite vehemently, too!
And in experiencing this most recently, it was indeed a despicable sense of déjà-vu that came to the fore, as it is once again not the creep himself that shows up but rather his OFFSPRING - which is doubly sad to see for two reasons: one, the coward won't do it himself and two, the simple fact that that piece of scum actually has sired a lineage... ensuring, in fact, that its brand of scumminess will remain on the wretched Earth, all the more wretched for it... (While we're on the subject: why be so cowardly, guys? I am not hard to find! You want me to cause trouble first, so that you can have the ever-so-flawed law (unworthy of being called a "justice" system) on
your side? Uh-huh - I deny you that right for you deserve no breaks at all -
no more! You've had way too much luck in the past - luck that I or one of the other guys that you've alienated did not go medieval on your rear ends! I shall not give you the slightest opportunity -
ever. But I welcome an exchange - always! Any time - and anywhere! Once again,
I am not hard to find!)
It is all despicable déjà-vu all over again though, because, after experiencing this with (let's call her) K.A.P. and then almost the same crap with let's dub her KrisKris (!) - and going through another episode with (let's call her) Rhonda (!) - now, it is this lame Lana's turn. (No, she is nooooo Lana Turner! But I must ask the burning question, right here and right now -
why in blue blazes is it always the damn daughters?!? Dim-witted daughters indeed that cannot accept the truth about their demented, dastardly, devilish sugar daddies! It is downright sickening - but let us not digress any more right now...)
Lana - I will tell you what I told all the others before you: it is not my problem that you cannot handle the truth. It is, in fact, quite pathetic that you insist in denying the truth. The fact is - I know your father better than you know the creep yourself! I could direct you towards several dignitaries that know your father better than you know the damn creep! I could also point you towards other creeps who've collaborated with your scumbag creepo dad - but they'd just abuse you and make a ragdoll out of you.
You have no idea - but then, the dim and the dumb never do.
You gals have no idea what cursed blood courses through your veins, that is the true problem! Now, to be fair, that does entirely apply to poor little K.A.P. - her dad, mum and company have a curse resting on their shoulders alright, but they are not the reason for it... I think! However the other three bimbos sure carry altered and distorted genes and should
never be allowed to reproduce. Trust me, tarts - the world can only be all the worst for it if you add little even diluted versions of NINNY, B.M. or G.S. into it...! Damn - too late already - Rhonda reproduced -
twice already! She had her tubes tied, finally, at least... At last! But the damage is done: her evil dad's genes roam the world, still... Verily, it is like a horror movie, nothing less - evil never dies. But it is only that way for a while longer, surely...
After Rrrrrrrhonda, Kris-Kris, K.A.P. and Lame Lana, though, I can wonder WHO'S NEXT...? Primo's witch? She always did speak a hell of a lot more than him - but then, he was quite annoying whenever he opened his mouth, inanely when in person, in front of you, with the most obtuse things to say in both broken English as (extremely) broken French... But then he was quite brave when it was on the telephone...!
Damn coward. However, it was his actions of another order that earned him the nickname of an I.L.L. - an acronym I will explain as far as the first letter goes and it stands for INEPT. After all these revelations, I await his witch of a bitch to contact me and complain, too... Lest it will be the bitches of any number of other creepazoids exposed over the years on this blog - perhaps even some quacks' nursing aides, who knows? Ah, and maybe the true source of the main problem could emerge too: Rrrrrrhonda's mommy (mummy?) whom I shall only refer to as MAD. Oh wait - she was actually the original complainer, first in line - how could I have forgotten that?!? Don't get mad over THAT now, MAD... You're already mad enough as it is - in that other sense, yes...
Note, in closing, that I was away in Europe and noticed only now, more than a month later, what poorly worded messages you left me in regards to the truth that I dispensed about your monstruous daddy, Lama... I mean, Lana!
You don't like what I have to say about him - and I actually left out the most vital details...! Sheesh!
I didn't even notice you for over a month and, quite frankly, I would not have if it wasn't for a fluke: a chance pitstop at one of my throwaway e-mail accounts that is seldom-used. That is, right there, the importance that I give to your dad, you and anything that *you* might have to say on any given subject!
I wonder if you can even read this
now - poor pathetic creature! Probably your monstruous dad cannot, either? It's not productive to communicate between us anyhow - Lord Knows I tried that before! Never again! You people only deserve my contempt.
Now, lame-o Lana's case differs greatly from K.A.P. for instance - but it is eerily close to "Rhonda" and her devilish dud of a dad... There are so many similarities, I wouldn't know where to start if I wanted to!
Help me out, Rhonda, willya? No? Bah - go to hell then! You were never any good at all and never any help whatosever either...!
History repeats itself, they say - especially when you are dealing with dime-a-dozen duds - or is that penny-a-million rabble?
And their offspring.
One thing is for damn sure...
None of these creeps are worth my time anymore.
And yes - I have far better things to do - a million times better, Thank God!
GOD is The One who Will deal with each and every single one of them - and they shall reap as they've sown, over the years. Rrrrrhonda's dad already reaped it very badly - the rest of these duds still have it coming.
I am done with this.
Adeus, caras de carralhos.