Lambaste the pests of this world!
Run through the mud the scum of the earth!
Humiliate the would-be somebodies who mock their fellow human beings for daring to be braver than they are!
Three good causes championed by THIS VERY BLOG!
Enjoy - especially if you're one of the pests EXPOSED HERE! Believe me - you DON'T want to tick me off and wind up exposed here!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Mario Is A Readied Mule Alright!
Anyone remember that time when some half-crazed, half-baked (half-intoxicated most probably too) sportscaster on the lame-o HNIC CBC Saturday night broadcast called Mario Lemieux as such, because he thought that was the most appropriate image to conjure up the alleged *magnificence on ice* of the guy? Well, yeah - it sounded very ridiculously strange back then and it still does now - with the difference that, NOW, it helps to describe just how much of a donkey the dude can be indeed!
Mario, when he was a player, did not mind AT ALL having a dirty player or twelve on his team, players that would insidiously ensnare and attack other good players - good players that were AS GOOD AS IF NOT BETTER THAN MARIO - in order to allow Mario to look so *magnificent* on the ice - when, in reality, truth and fact, he was nothing but a sissy on skates. One who could handle a puck, surely - but never to be thought of as a *COMPLETE PLAYER* - NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS... He was only good at making plays and, to do so, he needed space on the ice; the same lively space that his very own coach denied other elite players from the competition. If Mario was so good, his own coach would have given him a great testimonial of faith in him by allowing the competition to compete with him - and let the ones who score the greatest number of goals win. THAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE GAME, IS IT NOT? For his coach, his Cup-winning old goat of a coach, to use cheap and dirtier-than-dirty tactics in order to ensure victory PROVES that he knew something about Mario. Mario, for all of his magnificence, never made an impact on his ridiculous team by himself. He had to have a considerable amount of players in the supporting cast before he could amount to ANYTHING. Other great players, TRULY GREAT PLAYERS, carry their entire team on their shoulders. Mario never did that - he was too selfish a bastard and too gutless to be able to. Thus, he was a far cry from being the *magnificent* one!
In 1991, Mario's slimebucket of a teammate, Ulf Samuelsson, purposefully injured the great, truly complete player, awesome Boston Bruins forward, Cam Neely. Why? After all, if Mario was so *magnificent* he would have been able to compete fairly against the Great Cam *The Man* Neely - RIGHT? Wrong! Cam Neely was beating the Pittsburgh Penguins all by himself - and Mario was powerless to undo it, let alone match it. And the Pens' coach, the loathsome Badger Bob, KNEW THAT - so he ordered his man Ulf to take out Neely, in the most insidious way there is too: with a knee-on-knee check that barely looked illegal. So much so that, when it happened, it even went unpunished by the referees! No one seem to have even seen what happened nor understood it, even though it had all transpired in broad view, on open ice, before a huge crowd and before the cameras that had been capturing a pretty good series up until then, one that the Boston Bruins were winning up until that moment of infamy. The Bruins' coach, Mike Milbury, had no doubts about what had happened there: he was livid and wanted to get to Badger Bob's throat for being such a dirty tactician ready to do almost anything to win. And Badger Bob was right, in a way: it was going to be his only chance to win, ever - he would die of cancer soon enough. Still - it did not excuse nor legitimize his most despicable decision there - effectively denying a great player, a truly complete player, his true destiny.
Mario got the nod and the laurels, instead. The bastard.
But the fact was that HE WAS NOT EVEN A FACTOR IN THE BRUINS-PENGUINS SERIES THAT YEAR! You would listen to the battle accounts and ZERO MENTION was made of him! How funny was that, eh - omitting the magnificent one... Funny but true. And totally legitimate! For he was effectively neutralized by the Bruins' Dave Poulin; while no one could stop Cam Neely without stepping lower than a barnyard mule, evidently... And here is the evidence:
Listen to the main party in the entire case now:
Flash-forward a decade:
Cam Neely is a respected team president of his beloved Boston Bruins. He attempted a comeback, circa 1999, but it was not possible. He retired as a player but remains part of the game while retaining all of his integrity as well as passion for it. His team is one built around HIS IMAGE: tough, talented, playing with determination and ready to battle hard for the victory.
Mario is, now, retired too. AT LAST. And he is now the OWNER of the lousy Pens franchise that should have never won anything at all - EVER. Unlike Neely, Mario is widely regarded as a hypocrite, a liar and a two-faced son-of-a-bitch.
He claims to love hockey, CLEAN hockey - and yet, his team is, once again, chock-full of dirty players and goons of all ilks - one of them, Matt Cooke, is the renowned bonafide master of dirty hits all across the league. Yet, Mario complains about violence perpetrated by other teams and other players - but never his goon Cooke who purposefully tries to injure other players, star players at that. Mario should have met somebody like that when he was playing!
When Cooke blindsided Boston Bruins superstar Marc Savard, even Sidney Crosby was appalled by the actions of his teammate. But not Mario - no, he didn't flinch. And neither did the damn league: there was no suspension for that heinous act.
Poor Sidney Crosby and poor Eugeny Malkin - with a hypocrite like Mario as their boss, they can indeed expect no protection at all. And it was exactly as Don predicted too: the following year, it was Crosby's turn to get injured. And then it was Malkin's.
Mario, instead of crusading for the protection of good players, carried on blasting the league every six months, like clockwork, biting the hand that fed him and made him a millionnaire, as Don Cherry reminds us: but Mario focuses on brawls on ice, not any other follies. Perhaps his reluctance to have an official stance on the dangers to good players comes from the fact that he would rather see them all knocked out of the game; so that all of his precious records stay safely his? It's a theory... As an owner, it cannot be missed that he has failed in using his higher-than-the-average-team-owner profile to force the league to act against players like his very own Cooke there.
Conclusion: Mario is indeed a creepy hypocrite. Watch the following video starting at 4:30 for more insight into that, from Don:
That makes TWO star players from the Boston Bruins organization that the trashy Penguins have compromised the careers of.
There will NOT be a third.
Mario Lemieux - you are a bastard and a two-faced moron. You never deserved any of the success that you have had. What is that talent to handle pucks that you had when it does not come with integrity, with the mInd and heart of a man who knows what is right from is wrong? You were a coward on the ice and your man, Matt, is another coward too. A malicious one - that needs to be eliminated. And your declarations about not wanting to be part of a league that has so much violence in it...? It is the league that fed you all those millions that should kick you out, ask for the money back and move that damn team out of the Pitt and into oblivion, for all I care...!
UPDATE: After roughly a dozen dirty hits, the NHL's sorry excuse for a commissioner finally suspended Matt Cooke for perpetrating, for the umpteenth time, more of the same... Mario offered no comments, at that time. The Boston Bruins voiced their opinion that Cooke was unwilling to learn and amend himself and that he showed no respect whatsoever for his opponents. Matt Cooke came back - and did it again. He got suspended, again. By that time, Don Cherry's prediction of an "open season" on good players had already come true, with Sid The Kid Crosby being out with a concussion of his own. And HIS career seems compromised as well. Mario, again, had nothing to say...
In late April 2011, as the Boston Bruins came back from an 0-2 series deficit to finally win their first round playoffs series (in seven games) against arch-rival Montreal, accomplishing that for the first time in team history - the Pittsburgh Penguins blew a 3-1 series lead over the Tampa Bay Lightning, finally losing game seven by the score of 1-0. It was the first time in their team's history they had ever lost a series in which they had gained a 3-1 edge. They sure were lacking scoring punch there - what, Mario, somebody takes out your best players and, suddenly, you cannot score anymore? Aww...
He who kills by the sword dies by the sword.
May Matt Cooke burn in hell with Badger Bob who is waiting for him there.
And may Sid The Kid, from this point on, be like Cam The Man - no more, no less.
J'arrive pas à croire ce qui est en train de se passer dans le coin perdu du SAGUENAY!
Les maudits athées qui vivent tant bien que (surtout trés) mal dans ces contrées malfamées s'en prennent depuis des années (des décennies entières, semble-t-il!) à leur pauvre maire (enfin, pauvre dans le sens de la persécution de la chose; certes pas dans le sens des choses matérielles et encore moins de l'esprit!) qui, lui, ne veut que faire ses prières!
C'est de mal en pire d'ailleurs, depuis quelques temps: car les forces malfaisantes du sécularisme bête et de l'athéisme régressif autant qu'oppressif (enfin, se veut-il être ou espère-t-il être ainsi!) croient avoir gagné du terrain à la cour du Tribunal des Droits de la Personne (non, mais, de quels droits parle-t-on ici: du droit des gens d'être des imbéciles de premiére classe, celle qui fait appel aux avocats et aux lois fort discutables faites par des hommes extrêmement faillibles, au lieu des imbéciles de bas niveau, par exemple? Enfin, passons outre ces détails...)
Or donc, le ti-tribunal aura donné raison aux plaignants idiotiques qui n'en peuvent plus d'entendre un Notre Pére ou un Je Vous Salue Marie prononcé avant des débats somme toute INDIGNES de telles prières! ET, pour ajouter insulte à injure, les plaignants bétas, enhardis de leur soi-disant statut de victorieux, exigent que le maire "fautif" se plie, bon gré, mal gré, à cette décision du tribunal de rien-du-tout (il le devient quand il donne voix aux malades mentaux dont la maladie est l'intolérance) non pas en dedans d'un délai raisonnable mais TOUT DE SUITE - OU EN DEDANS D'UNE SEULE PETITE SEMAINE, disent-ils... Les cons!
Cela fait longtemps qu'ils reprochent au maire de faire la prière avant les débats de son conseil municipal (il en a fallu de la retenue pour que je ne tape "mini-céphal" plutôt - mais les cons auraient cru que je suis de leur côté en ce faisant et contre le maire; ce qui est, et c'est fort évident pour mon auditoire qui est intelligent ET lit le français, certes pas le cas!)
Que cette situation perdure autant qu'elle ne le fait devrait en convertir plus d'un satané séculariste car c'est là la preuve la plus claire qu'il y en a Un, Dieu! Que le maire Jean Tremblay ait été maintes fois élu au sein de pareilles énergumènes qui ne savent même pas quelles sont les règles des lois mal-faites dont ils veuillent se servir afin d'étouffer la Foi dans leur ville de merde L PROUVE DE FAÇON INCONTESTABLE! Elle l'est, une ville faite de merde, autant que tout endroit peut le devenir quand les nombres grandissants de pommes pourries deviennent bien plus considérables que ceux des pommes encore saines et recueillables! Le maire est, dans ce cas seulement et dans ce cas bien précis, comme Lot au sein d'une Sodome Et Gommorrhe non-répentante et carrément ABSURDE! Car de dévouer tellement d'énergie, de temps et d'argent à une telle "anti-croisade" est carrément PATHÉTIQUE! Si ces gens en mal de causes justes et louables avaient consacré ne serait-ce que le tiers de leurs efforts ici investis dans une cause humanitaire, ils seraient de sitôt passés de CONARDS NOTOIRES au staut de PLUS GRANDS HÉROS MODERNES QUI PUISSENT ÊTRE!
Ils ont plutôt choisi de s'en prendre à un maire qui veut prier Dieu de lui donner la sagesse nécessaire afin de bien faire son travail - un maire qui veut garder quelques objets de piété dans son lieu de travail afin que celui-ci, et sa ville toute entiére, soit béni - si possible...
Hé, Simoneau, si tu veux du cash VITE FAIT COMME ÇA, attends-toi à ce qu'il s,envole encore plus vite. Plus, en bonus, tu auras la malédiction de Dieu sur les épaules - chanceux! La même chose pour le pathétique mouvement laïque - et dire que je croyais les autres religions les ennemis, pas les "coliques de laïques"...! On aura tout vu... On ne supporte pas les priéres? Et les chants Grégoriens, cantiques de Noël et Petits Chanteurs du Mont-Royal - l faudrait les pourchasser, eux aussi, alors! On ne peut plus voir un CRUCIFIX? On est peut-être devenu un vampire du jour au lendemain sans même s'en rendre compte - parbleu! Ou devrais-je dire (taper - écrire) "tabarouette" ou quelconque autre référence à vos infernales expressions blasphématoires typiques du SAGUENAY - HEIN?!?
Tout ceci est, en fait, à mourir de rire - la seule chose qui est plus RIDICULE aura été les centaines (j'espère que ce n'était pas des milliers, tout de même - des millions?!?) de fous furieux qui ont appelé LA POLICE DE MONTRÉAL afin de se plaindre que le travaillant défenseur des Bruins de Boston, Zdeno Chara, "DEVAIT" être puni pour avoir éliminer de son chemin l'obstacle pestilentiel qu'est Max Pacioretty (ce qui est un compliment pour Max - je le compare, presque, au grand Ken Linseman ou au encore plus grand Léo Labine en ce faisant! Mais, en passant, qui pour l'Amour du Bon Dieu baptiserait son premier-né du nom de "Max"?!? En tous cas...)
Au Q.G. de la LNH, on s'est bien moqué des partisans du CH ainsi que de la Police de Montréal pour avoir donné suite aux plaintes des CONcitoyens: la meilleure fût de prédire que la police de MTL va ensuite porter plainte contre la ville de Washington pour le vol des Expos!
Rira bien qui rira le dernier - et je parie sur le maire Jean Tremblay, QUI IRA EN APPEL DE LA DÉCISION DU TI-TRIBUNAL...
Et alors, "Me. Alarie", le maudit avocat du mouvement laïque, ravallera ses propos en ce qui a trait aux droits des personnes vis-à-vis ceux des municipalités... Eh, Luc Alarie, une municipalité c'est dirigé pour le PLUS GRAND BIEN DE TOUS CEUX QUI Y HABITENT, n'est-ce pas: et c,est pour votre plus grand bien que les Crucifix et prières sont là, conards! Vous en avez PLUS QUE BESOIN - mais vous ne les méritez même pas!