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Three good causes championed by THIS VERY BLOG!
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Wednesday, May 06, 2020
How sweet to see this, all of a sudden,
out of the blue now: multiple
on a handful of selected channels
-meticulously selected, I am sure-
as these are the specialty channels
that *they* know that *you* want...!
comes to the fore, first ~
with their promise that
they are the only place
where you can find
... as if anybody out there truly wants /
truly needs to get their DAILY FIX of
pre #METOO Rose McGowan,
along with a reminder of those dark times when
the likes of Holly Marie Combs and Alyssa Milano
were actually important TV PRODUCERS...
(No, we won't even mention the rest of the cast ~
especially not the Beverly Hills 90210 refugee;
poor her, she is ill.)
... as if the new CW latina version of the
very improbable (totally impossible) trio of
"good witches" with powers that are just
out of this world was not bad enough
permeating the airwaves when worthier,
far more imaginative (in a GOOD way)
TV shows never saw the light of day... !!!
That is followed by a double whammy representing the last few decades of sensational vapid television: Buffy The Vampire Slayer (the brain-child of eventual Marvel hack Joss Whedon; whom we despise more than that silly Sheldon ever despised Wil Wheaton ~ ever, ever in his life ~ allegedly! Whatever...) and the Vertigo/DC Comics inspired iZombie
You gotta admit it: after witches do their thing - it is logical vampires and zombies would be crawling about!
~ plus a never-ending supply of "real"
ghost stories/paranormal encounters!
Oops ~ got carried away there!
Thou shalt not confuse T+E with A&E ~ ever!
(Although, these days... Okay, let us not get into that!)
Blame it on YT...
And the CW too, maybe...
After just a couple of days
of said programming, I tell you ~
you will find yourselves
regurgitating ectoplasma or something -
and their latest clever attempt
to lure in subscribers, once
that wretched free preview is all
said, prosecuted, filed and done,
is to add the most unlikely
"not-so-old" / still relatively recent
"criminal investigation with a twist"
kind of show to their little line-up:
...after headlining things up for seasons on end
on a variety of other networks (including syfy and showcase)
this was bound to happen: it winds up
where it has no business at all.
She might have been "live" on SHOWCASE (doubt it)
but even now, in reruns, she remains LIVE EVIL alright...
in disguise! (The old "wolf in a wolf's clothing" joke pops up
with frightening regularity on the show: or so I am told!)
So, whereas T+E has the old
tried and proven "WVZ" combo
(again: witches, vampires & zombies)
a specialty channel like C+I goes with
succubi, fae and, again, witches
(oh - and werewolves! Don't forget
the wolfies now; cheap, basement
bargain type of wolves, really ~
it is not like the producers of Lost Girl
could afford Thriller-like transformations
for every other episode now...!!!
Still: they count as one of them
is a vital part of the show ~
the crime investigative part of it, too! A major reason why C+I went for this: "SFWW" thus; dangerously close to SJW... wow! But I digress...)
A new audience can discover this drivel now:
the entertaining if -again- altogether improbable
and impossible (even with copious amounts of true blue
suspension of disbelief OR even if you actually believe
in the existence of succubi... fae... werewolves, etc!)
"saga" of a succubus that actually fights for good
- even though she is LOST. (The titular Lost Girl - duh!)
On top of making one of those the most unlikely
"stupor-hero" of all-time, they create a ridiculous
divide between the Fae: as if there was a need for
Light and Darkness sub-categories there...!
These are not even worth anything as both act
about the same way in the world: unaccountable
for most everything they do, too...
When true evil pops up (be it the Baba Iaga or
whatever else they cannot concoct a way of
using profusely as alluring, bodacious false force
for good!) it is cannon fodder for a one-off
episode - because you gotta have casualties,
of some KIND - eventually!
And the forensics... well, they are minimal
but they are there - in another bodacious form
for the succubus to tap into, too!
There were a number of alternatives for C+I out there,
ripe for the taking: PROFILER comes to mind
with Ally Walker starring as a forensic psychologist type
of crime investigator endowed with psychic abilities...
THIS would have been ideal for C+I to add to
their programming or stick with, through and
throughout the coming decade - but, given that this is
already more than 20 years old, it is deemed unfit
- maybe archaic, too? And it actually ended its
original run on NBC in the year 2000...!
Psychics are OUT, anyways ~
the one exotic, supernatural thing that has
a tiny bit of a toe solidly planted in reality
and it doesn't stand a chance anymore
up against superhero succubi, bloodsucking vigilante
and the other odd ilk that good old Kolchak
(the Night Stalker - hello?!? Not Kojak!)
used to warn us about...!!!
His estate will not be getting any residual income.
Ally Walker neither; her show is GONE.
Just like that Arquette chick who used to be psychic too;
she lost her show a long time ago... never to return!
And the Ghost Whisperer has had to recycle herself
as a mere dispatcher for 9-1-1...
Since 2012 -at least- a new breed of bizarre,
most unlikely types are presented as "heroes"
on various platforms, via various providers
which have, in turn, multiplied themselves too...
Instead of the Lost Girl succubus,
Crime+Investigation could have gone for
another show of the same ilk... Lucifer
They could have also gone for another NBC offering of old ~ CONSTANTINE thankfully, it was so very short-lived that acquiring it didn't make sense; and, besides, the character was "salvaged" by the CW who added him to their "Legends of Tomorrow" (if those are the kind of legends we're getting, the future looks bleak alright!)
And do not get me started again
on the sad, sad case of SUPERNATURAL...
In so many ways, they started all this, on TV ~
before them, there wasn't such a mass
confused free-for-all mixture of
pagan lore with religious material
and other supernatural folk indeed
~ all in the same chaotic storyline!
You had angels -real ones-
on family-friendly shows such as
Highway To Heaven
Touched By An Angel
while the evil creatures of darkness
knew their roles and stuck to it
on classic, well-done shows such as
G vs E
"Good vs Evil" - whatever it was called...!
Again: it is twenty years-old!!!
NO, NO, NO ~ if you really want some crime investigation with a tinge of the supernatural in it on your screen - whatever size it may be - I suggested this crap instead: